Bem-vindo a Arxo

A ARXO é líder na fabricação de tanques jaquetados e uma empresa brasileira com mais tempo de mercado no segmento de tanques de combustíveis. São mais de 50 anos de qualidade e segurança em tudo o que faz.

Entenda a importância da manutenção correta nos postos de combustível

Entenda a importância da manutenção correta nos postos de combustível

A manutenção em posto de combustível requer conhecimentos e habilidades específicas. Isso acontece, principalmente, por conta da necessidade de manter a integridade dos equipamentos e os procedimentos padrões de segurança.

Além disso, é claro, cuidar do perfeito funcionamento do seu investimento permite oferecer um atendimento de qualidade. E você sabe que qualidade é um item fundamental para fidelizar o consumidor, que está cada dia mais exigente e consciente dos seus direitos!

Os tipos de manutenção

De acordo com o regulamento da Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT), o posto de combustível requer quatro tipos de manutenção:

Manutenção operacional

É aquela manutenção simples, que pode ser realizada pelos próprios funcionários e deve fazer parte da rotina diária do posto.

Manutenção técnica

É realizada por profissionais capacitados com objetivo de garantir o manejo ecologicamente seguro e adequado.

Manutenção preventiva

A manutenção preventiva é programada de acordo com a necessidade estabelecida pelos fabricantes dos equipamentos.

Manutenção corretiva

Acontece sempre em casos de danos causados por pequenos acidentes ou mesmo por conta da paralisação do maquinário.

Dicas e cuidados com a manutenção em posto de combustível

  • Faça uma checagem periódica nos equipamentos e mecanismos de contenção responsáveis por prevenir impactos ambientais. Os gastos para reparar qualquer dano nesse maquinário são muito altos se comparar com o que é gasto na prevenção;
  • Utilize um aparelho de sucção para retirar a água acumulada nas bombas de combustíveis regularmente. Isso vai garantir que elas funcionem em bom estado por mais tempo;
  • Confira diariamente alguns acessórios, como: mangueiras, densímetros, bicos, correias, além de checar a bomba para saber se não existe vazamento. Também é importante verificar lacres, fazer aferição e medição dos tanques;
  • Use apenas água e sabão para fazer a limpeza da bomba. Evite limpar com esponjas e produtos abrasivos;
  • Dê atenção especial aos quadros elétricos de distribuição de energia, pois eles necessitam tanto de manutenção corretiva como preventiva. Coloque-os em um local de fácil acesso para agilizar o trabalho dos eletricistas;
  • Troque o filtro do diesel regularmente para garantir o bom funcionamento do equipamento. Isso contribui também para manter a qualidade do combustível;
  • Ofereça constantes treinamentos para a sua equipe de frentistas e cuide para que novos funcionários ou substitutos também sejam capacitados. Agindo assim, você vai conseguir manter um padrão de qualidade nos serviços;
  • Acompanhe a visita dos técnicos de manutenção e aproveite para fazer perguntas e aprender mais sobre os cuidados que você deve tomar;
  • Mantenha os extintores de incêndio em um lugar adequado, de fácil acesso. É importante conferir a validade do material, para não ter surpresas desagradáveis quando precisar utilizá-lo;
  • Desligue todos os disjuntores e colocar os cadeados nos bocais quando encerrar o expediente. Segurança é fundamental.

Fazer a correta manutenção em posto de combustível garante o pleno funcionamento do seu negócio. Além do mais, esses cuidados são responsáveis por diminuir gastos desnecessários e aumentar os lucros.

Quer saber mais sobre como gerenciar bem a sua empresa? Então, aproveite e conheça também as 5 melhores práticas para gestão do posto de gasolina no Blog ARXO.

645 Comentários

Paulo Publicado em14:37 - 21 de junho de 2018

Bem explicado o artigo, sempre é bom prevenir para evitar danos, o custo da prevenção é bem menor do que ter que comprar um equipamento novo por falta de manutenção

Johnnie Publicado em15:40 - 28 de maio de 2021

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Marquis Publicado em22:09 - 28 de maio de 2021

Can you put it on the scales, please? cam4 Yet his political position was, perhaps, more accurately conveyed in the pseudonym “Incertus” (“uncertain”) under which he published his earliest poems. For him the crude certainties of the Republican nationalist narrative were always subverted by the personal and his deep sense of a common humanity.

Alejandro Publicado em20:13 - 29 de maio de 2021

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Frances Publicado em22:34 - 31 de maio de 2021

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Damon Publicado em14:37 - 12 de agosto de 2021

What do you want to do when you’ve finished? ivermectina dosis covid Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday it would be “very disappointing” if Snowden was “willfully allowed to board an airplane… and there would be without any question some effect on the relationship and consequences.” Today the Secretary said that even though Russia and the U.S. do not have a standard extradition treaty, there were still “standards of behavior” between sovereign nations and the request for Snowden was “normal and basic.”

Floyd Publicado em05:42 - 13 de agosto de 2021

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Where do you live? solumedrol globalrph But does anyone truly believe that the situation in Libya would be better if Gadhafi had been allowed to kill, imprison or brutalise his people into submission? It’s far more likely that without international action, Libya would now be engulfed in civil war and bloodshed. But we live in a world of imperfect choices. Different nations will not agree on the need for action in every instance, and the principle of sovereignty is at the centre of our international order. But sovereignty cannot be a shield for tyrants to commit wanton murder or an excuse for the international community to turn a blind eye.

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Delbert Publicado em10:29 - 1 de outubro de 2021

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Erich Publicado em23:20 - 19 de outubro de 2021

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Dillon Publicado em23:56 - 7 de janeiro de 2022

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I work for myself alli ou xenical The law took effect July 1 but hasn’t been used yet. Cord blood samples would have to be taken immediately after birth, and the state medical examiner is setting administrative rules for how the blood will be collected and stored. Megan Comlossy, health policy associate for the National Conference of State Legislatures, said she thinks Mississippi is the first state to enact a law authorizing the collection of blood from the umbilical cord — a painless procedure — to determine paternity.

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The record flows came a month after investors had dumped bonds at a record pace in June, following expectations of an increase in interest rates and changes to the U.S. Federal Reserve’s stimulus program. A record $69.1 billion was pulled out of bond funds in June, followed by an outflow of $21.1 billion in July, according to TrimTabs data.

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That view is shared by Meir Persoff, author of Another Way, Another Time: Religious Inclusivism and the Sacks Chief Rabbinate. Although he describes Sacks as “the outstanding theologian of his time in England”, Persoff believes he spent too much time acting as a spokesman and not enough as a proper mediator. “He said one thing to one group of people to the right of the community and then said other things to the left of the community,” says Persoff. “He got himself in a lot of trouble.”

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Obama will press Netanyahu for time to test Rouhani’sintentions, while trying to reassure Israel he will not easesanctions prematurely. He is likely, however, to resist Israelipressure for a precise time limit for diplomacy with Iran toproduce a deal, according to a source close to the White House.

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I read a lot moa of amantadine The Rays took a 2-1 lead in the fourth on Desmond Jennings’ sacrifice fly. Texas pulled even at 2 during the fifth when Mitch Moreland, mired in an 0-for-22 slide, doubled and scored on Ian Kinsler’s double. Kinsler was caught attempting to steal third to end the inning. Myers put the Rays up 1-0 on his 13th homer, an opposite-field drive to right in the second. Cobb retired nine in a row, including his first four batters on strikeouts, before Kinsler doubled to start the fourth.

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Sorry, you must have the wrong number ibuprofeno y alcohol NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH, Mass. — Lights were on inside the three-tier house at 22 Ronald C. Meyer Drive on the night of June 17, the Monday that Odin Lloyd, a 27-year-old landscaper from Dorchester, was shot to death less than a mile away in an industrial park. Police officers approached the front door, and made repeated efforts to summon the occupants. The television was playing, but no one came out. The police surveyed the rear of the house to determine if there were signs of forced entry. None was noted.

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I work for myself can u drink alcohol on flucloxacillin capsules The mood had been very different in 1963. Not only was the “stand at the schoolhouse door” one of the three great symbolic moments of desegregation (along with Little Rock Central High School in 1957, and the 1962 admission of James Meredith as the first black student at the University of Mississippi). In Alabama it was a notably violent year as well, culminating in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham on 15 September, in which four young girls attending Sunday school were killed. But as Hood told an interviewer a few years before his death, “I didn’t have sense enough to be scared. At 20 years old, I didn’t believe I could die. I had been assured by the president of the United States that he would do everything in his power to ensure that we would live.”

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“For Russians, that is not the case. Russia sees the removal of Assad, at least without a lot of careful preparation, as leading to the collapse of central government in Syria, and the spread of instability around the region,” Mr. Lukyanov says.  â€œMoscow very strongly suspects that this talk of Chapter 7 means that Western countries have not abandoned their central idea, which is to use force to effect regime change in Syria.”

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